
Below you will find the different groups

and their meeting times and location.

If you have any questions about the groups below, contact: John Larkins

  • Led by Bob Fugh and meeting on-site in the LP Hall. For all. 

  • Led by Pastor Tate at meeting at LifePoint. This group is for men.

  • Led by Ron & Judy Wood and meeting in Sun Lakes. Currently studying the "Immerse" Bible and everyone is welcome.

  • Led by Kim Dixon and meeting on-site. A women's open-discussion Bible Study. 

  • Led by Donna Zavala and  meeting at LifePoint. This group is for all. 

  • Led by John Larkins and meeting at LifePoint. For all.

  • Led by Hank Huisman. Everyone is welcome. 

  • Led by Megan Miller and meeting on-site. This group is for mothers. Meeting in the MPR.